Map bug state of decay lifeline
Map bug state of decay lifeline

map bug state of decay lifeline

That's just off the top of my head, havent played this game in nearly a month. once the cleared ring goes away from a cleared house, regardless of wether you're inside or outside the house there will always be 2-3 zeds instaspawned inside said house. also on that note, within the scope on the backside of a roof i had clear vision on zeds but bullets were hitting the roof. most the zeds i took aim at seemed like they werent there at all. got on the roof of the public restroom in the campgrounds and fired off a few rounds to get a endless horde to come running in. characters feet close to 1m off the ground

map bug state of decay lifeline

have to run away from the house quite the distance and come back for the zed to sometimes despawn or just magically appear right at your feet. zeds still spawning underneath floors with just their heads visible, (also same issue from the original). still got the same issue as the original when it comes to going all out on hordes. cant fight zeds on elevated grounds (uphill/downhill) swing and a miss everytime. * ~In the 10 minutes I took to think up some bugs I had encountered and write this out I had the game paused, upon unpausing a juggernaut spawned directly infront of my truck. ~Drove the 3 enclave members to the Wilkerson meeting scene, it did not trigger right away so I went to exit the truck and just as we were climbing out it started and my trucks back left door became stuck open.

map bug state of decay lifeline

(I believe this happens after playing for an extended period of time.)

#Map bug state of decay lifeline free

Nothing worked to free me until about 4 minutes in I randomly teleported to the inside of the door right next to an angry zombie. ~(New one to me) I sprinted into a door to knock the zombie on the other side down and became trapped hovering in mid air in the door frame. (This probably plays into the well known door clipping bug) ~During Lifeline my gates ceased being able to hold any zombies at bay, they would just charge right on through to maul my soldiers and survivors. ~Some times zombies clip into the patio and this either leaves them untargetable without explosives or is a free and easy head shot (This has happened every time I have played the mission in which the juggernauts are introduced). Ps.: im only play the main campain breakdown and lifleline, one try only but they are not so incessant for me Where are the pre order knifes for yose ? i search every where but it still missed When i start ride and im sit in the car my people dont climb in or wait only when i start drive then they are angry for me but i cant do any then, they stuck often only The medic option dont work korekt i have an medic and if im hurt i have to wait mutch longer than 1 day with mechanic and car repairplace the same Not a real bug : but every time the zombies come over the wall where they want without reason *barbwire cosmetic only * but i cant climb over on the same place The backsite gate by the church anytime open i dont know how often i closed it when i go back open again Sometimes the zombies float in the sky 1m over the ground and hit me and i cant hit them back stops only if i break the game and reload the storage looks like the first one after start in the mountainbase there Sometimes i want to give some items into the baselocker and the storage is empty and every collected item weapon etc. The watch tower is empty and the member how have to watch are eat something in the kitchen or sleeping in bed The biggest bug is that zombies walk trough closed doors or trough the walls

Map bug state of decay lifeline